While inferring common actor states (such as position or velocity) is an important and well-explored task of the perception system aboard a self-driving vehicle (SDV), it may not always provide sufficient information to the SDV. This is especially true in the case of active emergency vehicles (EVs), where light-based signals also need to be captured to provide a full context. We consider this problem and propose a sequential methodology for the detection of active EVs, using an off-the-shelf CNN model operating at a frame level and a downstream smoother that accounts for the temporal aspect of flashing EV lights. We also explore model improvements through data augmentation and training with additional hard samples.
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Users' involvement in creating and propagating news is a vital aspect of fake news detection in online social networks. Intuitively, credible users are more likely to share trustworthy news, while untrusted users have a higher probability of spreading untrustworthy news. In this paper, we construct a dual-layer graph (i.e., the news layer and the user layer) to extract multiple relations of news and users in social networks to derive rich information for detecting fake news. Based on the dual-layer graph, we propose a fake news detection model named Us-DeFake. It learns the propagation features of news in the news layer and the interaction features of users in the user layer. Through the inter-layer in the graph, Us-DeFake fuses the user signals that contain credibility information into the news features, to provide distinctive user-aware embeddings of news for fake news detection. The training process conducts on multiple dual-layer subgraphs obtained by a graph sampler to scale Us-DeFake in large scale social networks. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets illustrate the superiority of Us-DeFake which outperforms all baselines, and the users' credibility signals learned by interaction relation can notably improve the performance of our model.
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The long-standing theory that a colour-naming system evolves under the dual pressure of efficient communication and perceptual mechanism is supported by more and more linguistic studies including the analysis of four decades' diachronic data from the Nafaanra language. This inspires us to explore whether artificial intelligence could evolve and discover a similar colour-naming system via optimising the communication efficiency represented by high-level recognition performance. Here, we propose a novel colour quantisation transformer, CQFormer, that quantises colour space while maintaining the accuracy of machine recognition on the quantised images. Given an RGB image, Annotation Branch maps it into an index map before generating the quantised image with a colour palette, meanwhile the Palette Branch utilises a key-point detection way to find proper colours in palette among whole colour space. By interacting with colour annotation, CQFormer is able to balance both the machine vision accuracy and colour perceptual structure such as distinct and stable colour distribution for discovered colour system. Very interestingly, we even observe the consistent evolution pattern between our artificial colour system and basic colour terms across human languages. Besides, our colour quantisation method also offers an efficient quantisation method that effectively compresses the image storage while maintaining a high performance in high-level recognition tasks such as classification and detection. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our method with extremely low bit-rate colours. We will release the source code soon.
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Various types of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) methods have been developed, assuming that agents' policies are based on true states. Recent works have improved the robustness of MARL under uncertainties from the reward, transition probability, or other partners' policies. However, in real-world multi-agent systems, state estimations may be perturbed by sensor measurement noise or even adversaries. Agents' policies trained with only true state information will deviate from optimal solutions when facing adversarial state perturbations during execution. MARL under adversarial state perturbations has limited study. Hence, in this work, we propose a State-Adversarial Markov Game (SAMG) and make the first attempt to study the fundamental properties of MARL under state uncertainties. We prove that the optimal agent policy and the robust Nash equilibrium do not always exist for an SAMG. Instead, we define the solution concept, robust agent policy, of the proposed SAMG under adversarial state perturbations, where agents want to maximize the worst-case expected state value. We then design a gradient descent ascent-based robust MARL algorithm to learn the robust policies for the MARL agents. Our experiments show that adversarial state perturbations decrease agents' rewards for several baselines from the existing literature, while our algorithm outperforms baselines with state perturbations and significantly improves the robustness of the MARL policies under state uncertainties.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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This paper focuses on the task of survival time analysis for lung cancer. Although much progress has been made in this problem in recent years, the performance of existing methods is still far from satisfactory. Traditional and some deep learning-based survival time analyses for lung cancer are mostly based on textual clinical information such as staging, age, histology, etc. Unlike existing methods that predicting on the single modality, we observe that a human clinician usually takes multimodal data such as text clinical data and visual scans to estimate survival time. Motivated by this, in this work, we contribute a smart cross-modality network for survival analysis network named Lite-ProSENet that simulates a human's manner of decision making. Extensive experiments were conducted using data from 422 NSCLC patients from The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA). The results show that our Lite-ProSENet outperforms favorably again all comparison methods and achieves the new state of the art with the 89.3% on concordance. The code will be made publicly available.
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Deep learning methods have contributed substantially to the rapid advancement of medical image segmentation, the quality of which relies on the suitable design of loss functions. Popular loss functions, including the cross-entropy and dice losses, often fall short of boundary detection, thereby limiting high-resolution downstream applications such as automated diagnoses and procedures. We developed a novel loss function that is tailored to reflect the boundary information to enhance the boundary detection. As the contrast between segmentation and background regions along the classification boundary naturally induces heterogeneity over the pixels, we propose the piece-wise two-sample t-test augmented (PTA) loss that is infused with the statistical test for such heterogeneity. We demonstrate the improved boundary detection power of the PTA loss compared to benchmark losses without a t-test component.
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Single-cell technologies are revolutionizing the entire field of biology. The large volumes of data generated by single-cell technologies are high-dimensional, sparse, heterogeneous, and have complicated dependency structures, making analyses using conventional machine learning approaches challenging and impractical. In tackling these challenges, deep learning often demonstrates superior performance compared to traditional machine learning methods. In this work, we give a comprehensive survey on deep learning in single-cell analysis. We first introduce background on single-cell technologies and their development, as well as fundamental concepts of deep learning including the most popular deep architectures. We present an overview of the single-cell analytic pipeline pursued in research applications while noting divergences due to data sources or specific applications. We then review seven popular tasks spanning through different stages of the single-cell analysis pipeline, including multimodal integration, imputation, clustering, spatial domain identification, cell-type deconvolution, cell segmentation, and cell-type annotation. Under each task, we describe the most recent developments in classical and deep learning methods and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Deep learning tools and benchmark datasets are also summarized for each task. Finally, we discuss the future directions and the most recent challenges. This survey will serve as a reference for biologists and computer scientists, encouraging collaborations.
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Recent studies in Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) train RL agents to execute natural-language navigation instructions in photorealistic environments, as a step towards robots that can follow human instructions. However, given the scarcity of human instruction data and limited diversity in the training environments, these agents still struggle with complex language grounding and spatial language understanding. Pretraining on large text and image-text datasets from the web has been extensively explored but the improvements are limited. We investigate large-scale augmentation with synthetic instructions. We take 500+ indoor environments captured in densely-sampled 360 degree panoramas, construct navigation trajectories through these panoramas, and generate a visually-grounded instruction for each trajectory using Marky, a high-quality multilingual navigation instruction generator. We also synthesize image observations from novel viewpoints using an image-to-image GAN. The resulting dataset of 4.2M instruction-trajectory pairs is two orders of magnitude larger than existing human-annotated datasets, and contains a wider variety of environments and viewpoints. To efficiently leverage data at this scale, we train a simple transformer agent with imitation learning. On the challenging RxR dataset, our approach outperforms all existing RL agents, improving the state-of-the-art NDTW from 71.1 to 79.1 in seen environments, and from 64.6 to 66.8 in unseen test environments. Our work points to a new path to improving instruction-following agents, emphasizing large-scale imitation learning and the development of synthetic instruction generation capabilities.
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Covid-19-Pandemic继续在社交媒体上提出各种讨论或辩论的主题。为了探索大流行对人们生活的影响,了解公众对与大流行有关的实体(例如药物,疫苗)对社交媒体的关注和态度至关重要。但是,对现有命名实体识别(NER)或目标情感分析(TSA)数据集培训的模型具有有限的理解与COVID相关的社交媒体文本的能力有限,因为这些数据集并未从医学角度设计或注释。本文释放了Mets-COV,这是一种包含医疗实体的数据集和与COVID相关的推文中的目标情感。 Mets-COV包含10,000条带有7种实体的推文,包括4种医疗实体类型(疾病,药物,症状和疫苗)和3种通用实体类型(人,位置和组织)。为了进一步调查推文用户对特定实体的态度,选择了4种类型的实体(人,组织,药物和疫苗),并用用户情感注释,从而产生了具有9,101个实体(5,278个推文)的目标情感数据集。据我们所知,METS-COV是第一个收集与COVID相关推文的医疗实体和相应情感的数据集。我们通过广泛的实验对经典机器学习模型和最先进的深度学习模型进行基准测试。结果表明,该数据集在NER和TSA任务方面都有大量改进的空间。 METS-COV是开发更好的医学社交媒体工具并促进计算社会科学研究的重要资源,尤其是在流行病学方面。我们的数据,注释准则,基准模型和源代码公开可用(https://github.com/ylab-open/mets-cov),以确保可重复性。
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